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A reliable partner that safeguards homes and people by means of its modular products, incorporating state-of-the-art technology, professional expertise and customized service, ensuring protection, rapid response and efficacy.

La Patria accompanies you in all your needs for family protection, starting from the formulation of the most suitable system for your home, be it an apartment, a condominium building or a detached house, right through to the rapid response service that will be despatched to you in the event of an emergency.

Alarm systems based on cutting-edge technology and equipped with CCTV cameras immediately give the Operations Centre a clear picture of the situation that the patrol unit will have to deal with in the case of intervention.

Safeguarding private spaces from intruders in order to guarantee personal protection: the staff at La Patria’s Operations Centre are ready to intervene in the case of a medical emergency, and they are capable of ensuring security by means of their technology, reliability and expertise.

La Patria’s services cover the entire sector and are distinguished by their innovative products and processes, providing customers with the highest level of security: from risk assessment and system design to rapid response and crisis management.

La Patria’s acquisition of companies with strong local roots, and its network of quality business partners selected from some of the finest Italian companies in the sector, have set it on a path of steady growth and consolidated its presence in the provinces of Emilia, where it was founded, while also extending its activities to Lombardy, with the operational headquarters in Busto Arsizio.

La Patria’s services extend beyond the areas where it has traditionally operated, with a network of quality business partners that enable clients to choose La Patria’s quality and professional expertise wherever they are located, for all security requirements, whether personal, family, corporate or for public services.

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