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Store security

Security for stores and offices

Security for stores and offices

La Patria’s security services for stores and offices are performed with the help of the latest computer technology and systems handling information and alert messages in order to ensure rapid intervention at any location in the area.

Security inspection services for retail activities and offices

Security inspection services, better known as “patrols”, represent a fundamental preventive activity in ensuring the security of a retail business. A patrol service consists of inspections, mainly at night and at random, constantly changing, times, of the retail business or offices, in order to check for the possible presence of unidentified persons, or any form of tampering with the perimeter security structures or outer entrances.

Keyholding services for offices and retail businesses

The keyholding service gives Security Guards access to the property, with the utmost discretion and with complete respect for privacy. This specific service incorporates support from La Patria‘s 24/7 Operations Centre, which has complete control of the safe in which keys are kept in anonymous bunches, supplied to the patrols in the area. Only the Operations Centre can provide the patrol with the keyword that enables the safe to be opened. This tried and tested procedure makes it possible to guarantee absolute efficiency in terms of client security.

Permanent security through constant physical presence for retail businesses and offices

Permanent security or armed supervision consists of the constant presence of a security officer, directly in the area to be guarded. The Security Guard’s constant presence ensures access control, the safeguarding of property and immediate intervention in case of emergency, ensuring a very high standard of protection for assets and individuals.

According to requirements and requests from business owners or managers, security guards may be armed, unarmed or supported by dog handlers with specific training for this type of security presence. In this way, La Patria guarantees a high standard of quality and professional expertise, enhanced by highly specialized training and experience in the field. The effectiveness of this security service is determined by the Security Guards’ constant presence, safeguarding access to enclosed external areas that may be very extensive in size. This surveillance service, which also performs an anti-robbery function, is performed by trained and qualified Security Guards, linked to the Operations Centre, which coordinates any necessary intervention in case of emergency.

Constant coordination with 24/7 operations centre

La Patria’s Operations Centre handles all the security systems and alerts and coordinates the rapid response of patrols, located throughout the territory, in case of alarm.

In addition to these preventive services, La Patria also offers consultancy, design, installation and maintenance for alarms, video surveillance , medical emergency response and fire protection, in order to provide security in all areas by means of a modular and customizable range that enhances the work of the Sworn Security Guards by means of the most advanced technology in the field of security.

Istituto di Vigilanza La Patria ​offers surveillance and security services for offices and retail businesses across a territory that includes 200 municipalities in Piedmont and Lombardy, in addition to 120 municipalities in Emilia-Romagna, above all in the provinces of Bologna, Modena, Reggio Emilia, Milan, Varese, Monza Brianza, Novara and Como.

The characteristics of our special security services such as preventive action, deterrence and rapid response in case of emergency puts the safety and security of our clients in first place.

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