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About Us

70 years alongside customers in a constant quest for innovation and growth

La Patria has been assisting its clients for 70 years, placing its experience, expertise and technological innovation at their disposal. Since 1950, Istituto di vigilanza La Patria has been keeping abreast of the latest technological developments, offering its customers state-of-the-art systems and services in line with the times. A longstanding, innovative company, deeply rooted in the territories in which it operates and offering a diversified range of services, from those aimed at individuals to in-house technological development, from system architectures to software.

La Patria’s services cover the entire sector and are distinguished by their innovative products and processes, providing customers with the highest level of security: from risk assessment and system design to rapid response and crisis management.

La Patria’s acquisition of companies with strong local roots, and its network of quality business partners selected from some of the finest Italian companies in the sector, have set it on a path of steady growth and consolidated its presence in the provinces of Emilia, where it was founded, while also extending its activities to Lombardy, with the operational headquarters in Busto Arsizio.

La Patria’s services extend beyond the areas where it has traditionally operated, with a network of quality business partners that enable clients to choose La Patria’s quality and professional expertise wherever they are located, for all security requirements, whether personal, family, corporate or for public services.

Our path to success from the 1950s to today:

Strategic acquisition of Vedetta 2 Mondialpol's business unit for the provinces of Parma and Piacenza. This new acquisition confirms the consistency of La Patria Spa's growth, which focuses on the Lombardy, but also on the Emiliano territory and affirms its leadership and guarantees the quality of its service.
Patria Spa acquires SEVI vigilance in Vignola. This new integration makes it possible to ensure more modern technologies and a greater territorial presence in the Panaro territories.
Patria turns 70
A new stepping stone in La Patria's development. Novara is added to the areas in which we operate. It is the first province in Piedmont and the eighth in total, along with Bologna, Modena, Reggio Emilia, Milan, Varese and Monza Brianza.
Sistemi Integrati, a division specializing in R&D, innovation and the development of advanced technological solutions, is incorporated into La Patria.
The company's presence in the heartland of the ceramics industry is reinforced by Istituto di Vigilanza Aquila, a security firm operating in the provinces of Modena and Reggio Emilia.
This time it is the turn of Vigilanza CBV Corpo Bustese Vigilnot, a robust company based in Lombardy.
Growth leads to new developments in terms of organization and finance: La Patria is flanked by the private equity funds Fondo Italiano di Investimento and PM&Partners, which provide the resources for a further phase of development and expansion.
Organizational development, new strategies, a territorial presence and constant growth with the acquisition of various Security companies: Due Torri, la Sicurezza Bolognese, la Ronda and Securitas. La Patria becomes a market leader in the Emilia region by reinforcing the area of high-technology local services, transferring the secure transportation branch and negotiating contracts for on-site security guards exclusively for large clients.
The process of growth begins through a partnership with Vigilanza Colli, a company based in Modena

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