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Do you want to protect your Home?

Place your trust in La Patria.

Protect your home with our Professional Wireless Security System selected by La Patria, connected 24 hours a day to our Operations Center and Rapid Response service.

If your alarm system is connected to our Operations Center we can immediately identify an emergency situation and activate the rapid response of one of our local patrol units, whether or not you are at home.

There is no installation fee, and you don’t have to pay for the alarm: with a fixed fee of 36.00 per month (including VAT) we provide you with the alarm system*, assistance and 24-hour connection to our Operations Center, and for a few extra euros we include the emergency intervention of our local patrol units.

The alarm system is a wireless system that is easy to install and that you can manage directly via a phone APP.

  • 1
    Rilevatore con Fotocamera
  • 2
    Pannello di Controllo
  • 3
    Contatto Magnetico
  • 4
    Sirena Interna
  • 5
  • 6
    Tastiera - APP
Impianti di allarme casa Ajax La Patria

*the alarm system included in the basic fee of €36.00 contains the six items listed on this page

Call us using the toll-free number or fill out the form below, absolutely without obligation. We will contact you as soon as possible.

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