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Where we operate

Private Security Firm in Milan – La Patria

Milan is the main center covered by the La Patria private security service in Lombardy.

La Patria has been present in the city of Milan and in the Lombardy Region for 70 years, providing security and surveillance services for companies and families. The metropolitan area of Milan is one of the most prestigious in Italy. La Patria’s constant presence and years of experience in the field have given it a thorough knowledge of the territory and a rooting in the social fabric, allowing prompt security interventions.

Security services for families, companies and public bodies in Milan

La Patria acquired Istituto di Vigilanza CBV Corpo Bustese Vigilnot in 2014, enabling it to cover the territories of Milan, Varese and the province of Monza and Brianza.

La Patria operates in the Lombardy Region, providing prevention and security services for commercial activities, small and medium enterprises/industries and families. Significant investments in technological research and development over the years have resulted in a continuous expansion of the range of services available to customers in provinces in northern Italy.

24h Operations Center for emergency management in the province of Milan

The 24h Operations Center, based in Busto Arsizio, coordinates the activities of rapid response patrol units and all other services upon reception of alerts from alarm systems. The system is overseen by highly qualified operators capable of activating the interventions of local patrol units very quickly, ensuring a very high success rate in thwarting attempted break-ins, theft and damage to corporate and private property.

Widespread presence of security patrol units in the Milan territory

The strategy applied to surveillance and security services entails a widespread presence of patrol units in the city of Milan and throughout the Lombardy region. Patrol units monitor clearly defined areas of intervention, ensuring that responses to incoming alerts are very rapid. The rapidity of interventions is the focus of professional training for La Patria’s operations personnel.

La Patria is part of KTC - Keep Control Team

La Patria is one of the companies involved in KCT – KEEP CONTROL TEAM, a network of firms in the security sector located throughout the country formed with the aim of sharing competences, technologies and know-how in order to offer a fully customized and complete security service, without territorial limits.

A single point of contact for companies that have geographically distributed branches brings together several functions entrusted to the head of Security.

It is thus possible to take advantage of the certified competence and experience of La Patria beyond regional limits.

Other provinces in Lombardy covered by La Patria services

  • La Patria – Private Security in Varese
  • La Patria – Private Security in Monza Brianza
  • La Patria – Private Security in Como

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