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Fabbrica Automatismi Apertura Cancelli (Factory for automatic gate-opening mechanisms) was founded in 1965, and its acronym FAAC immediately became synonymous with gate automation all over the world.

Quality, safety, reliability, satisfaction, passion and research: these are the values on which the company, which has literally opened the gates onto new markets, succeeded in developing a business whose progressive expansion led to the Group’s foundation.

FAAC GROUP currently includes 32 trading companies in 24 countries, 16 manufacturing sites in 13 countries and 3 business units:

FAAC Simply Automatic, automation for gates and barriers, automatic entrances and doors, motors for rolling shutters and awnings, parking and access control.

HUB, PARKING TECHNOLOGY with intelligent and scalable solutions for toll car park management.

MAGNETIC AUTOCONTROL, systems comprising innovative access control solutions for all manufacturing and retail sectors, including vehicle barriers and pedestrian gates.

To these numbers should also be added the over  1,800 people working in the various sectors: they represent the most important resource, to whom the Group dedicates absolute attention with strategies targeted at continuously enhancing not only their professional expertise, but also the team spirit that lies at the heart of every successful enterprise. Over the course of its 50 years of activity, Faac has registered 142 patents, and while its technological heart continues to beat in Bologna, the Group’s electronic manufacturing activities are concentrated in Dublin.

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