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Six months of free security services if you acquire our do-it-yourself burglar alarm.

The time has come to make your home safer. This is possible and easy with La Patria. If you purchase our self-installing burglar alarm, you’ll get six months of free connection to the La Patria operations center.

Simple, remotely guided installation

La Patria’s experts will help you to select the right burglar alarm for you and will deliver it directly to your home, already configured and ready to use. No cabling is required: the system is wireless and already equipped with an on-board SIM. All you have to do is mount it following the instructions: during the installation phase you can count on the assistance of one of our operators, who will follow you remotely, also for activation of the connection to our Operations Center.

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vigilanza centrale operativa

What are the advantages?

By taking care of your home security yourself, you will receive 6 months of free connection to the La Patria Operations Center and rapid response service, without having to commit to the future.

N.B. The promotion is aimed at all residents in the provinces of Bologna, Modena, Milan, Monza-Brianza and Varese

For any further information, please call us using the toll-free number or fill out the form below, absolutely without obligation. We will contact you as soon as possible.

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