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What would you like
to protect?

SINCE 1950

Your security
managed by experts
What would you like
to protect?


You and your home wit
state-of-the-art systems
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to protect?


Companies throughout their
chain supply
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to protect?


Shops, offices, security for
you and your customers
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to protect?


Public administration,
public places

Professionals since 1950

A story that began long ago and has never ended, leading La Patria to develop a complete service in the area of preventive security. Customer care, efficiency, promptness in service delivery, technological development: these are the values that make our group a reliable business partner for your security management.

The sectors in which we work


Innovative anti-intrusion alarm systems, which allow you to go out and live your home without worries. Find out more


La Patria is able to support companies in the entire supply chain to ensure safety by integrating advanced technology and surveillance. Find out more


Devices designed to meet the security needs of businesses and their customers. Find out more

Public authorities

Sensitive targets, public environments and Public Administration requires a specific analysis of protection strategies. Find out more
Vigilanza Privata La Patria Configuratore Sistema Allarme

Configure the alarm service

Configure your alarm solution with a click: you can rely on the professional expertise of La Patria’s consultants to protect your company, your retail business or your home

Vigilanza Privata La Patria Configuratore Sistema Allarme

24-hour Operation Centers and Vigilance Services

Centrale operativa e servizi di sicurezza e vigilanza h24 La Patria

La Patria can work with you to devise the best solution for your requirements, assessing the risks and choosing the finest technology and services to protect your home, your business, your assets.
Our Operations Centre is active 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, coordinating the widespread, structured deployment of patrols in the area, monitoring notifications, verifying and checking technological systems, and handling rapid response in case of alarm.

Our special services

La Patria has always been synonymous with surveillance, innovation and technology at the service of its customers’ security. In addition to its traditional activities, La Patria can also offer services in the areas of merchandise protection, safeguarding of open-air spaces, medical emergencies and personal security.


Istituto di vigilanza La Patria has always been a market leader in the installation and management... Discover more

access control

Controlling access to an enclosed space is a major security management issue, whether it be a private, commercial or industrial area. Discover more


Infrared cameras are devices that can detect the heat emitted by an object or person within the monitored area... Discover more

Sudden illness

A wearable sensor detects the individual’s biometric data and sends an alert to the Operations Center in the event of fainting or sudden illness. Discover more

Where we are

La Patria operates in an area that includes 230 municipalities in Lombardy, in addition to 123 municipalities in Emilia Romagna. Every year we are constantly expanding our territorial coverage, in order to a prompt intervention in case of emergency.

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